
Celebrating Certified Child Life Specialists!

March is Child Life Month, a time to honor Certified Child Life Specialists (CCLS) and those in the child life profession who help children and families cope with the stress of hospitalizations.

Starlight Families and CCLS shared how the little things can make hospitalizations more comfortable.

CCLS Kevynne helped Starlight Kid Kyrell during his leukemia treatment at Advocate Children's Hospital in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kyrell had to suck on ice to prevent mouth sores during a certain chemotherapy treatment, but he hated it so much that he no longer wanted ice in any of his drinks.

Chemotherapy days took a toll on his emotional health, so Kevynne and Kyrell came up with a fun alternative. Now, Kyrell has popsicles during his treatments!

“One small change and days became better for Kyrell. We couldn't thank Kevynne enough!” said Lovely, Kyrell’s mom.

Blog Starlight Kid Kyrell CCLS Kevynne

Starlight programs entertain children and help them engage in coping techniques throughout difficult procedures and high-anxiety moments. We collaborate with child life specialists to use our programs every day.

CCLS Ashley especially loves using Starlight Virtual Reality with patients at Children's Hospital at Erlanger in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The day after Starlight VR arrived, Ashley had the goggles charged and ready to go!

“I was eager to test them out with patients, and Henry LOVED them,” said Ashley. “I am excited to use them with patients to help with scary procedures, feeling sick, being scared, and just having fun.”

Starlight Kid Henry Blog VR

Our programs help child life specialists build meaningful relationships with patients, improving their hospital experience. We are so thankful to work with amazing child life specialists across the country like Kevynne and Ashley!

Provide Starlight programs to Child Life Specialists to help bring smiles to the patients they serve.

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