Meet Captain Starlight
When you’re a kid stuck in the hospital, it can be a stressful, scary, and isolating time. It takes an enormous amount of courage for seriously ill kids to endure testing, treatments, and long waits in their hospital room.
These kids are superheroes.
And Captain Starlight is their biggest fan, their best pal, delivering smiles and fun directly to their hospital room.
As healthcare professionals focus on treating illness, Captain Starlight knows just the right thing to say to make kids smile and feel strong. They have one wish - to help kids feel better because they know that happy kids heal faster.

Who is this caped crusader of fun? Just look up at the sky on a clear night. See that super bright, sparkling star? That’s Planet Starlight! That’s where Captain Starlight comes from, and its light is bright enough to shine even when our superhero is here on Earth visiting Starlight kids.
Captain Starlight creates a healing environment for seriously ill children - filled with entertainment, fun, laughter, joy, and distraction from the hospital environment. Through Starlight programs like Starlight Virtual Reality, Starlight Gaming, Starlight Deliveries, or Starlight Gowns, Captain Starlight is committed to turning any frown upside down!
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An increase in fun and wellbeing means a decrease in boredom and anxiety, stress, and sadness. This, in turn, creates a happier and more efficient workplace for our healthcare professionals.
We invite you to join the ranks of Captain Starlights - no cape required!
Donate today to deliver happiness directly to hospitalized kids by providing hours of gaming, fun, comfort and joy.
You can also purchase your own Captain Starlight gown (fits ages 2-19!) for the patient or hospital staff member in your life.
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