  1. Chris Gaming


    Improves mood and reduces stress by redirecting focus, providing structure, familiarity, and security in the hospital.
  2. Hero Wagons Emma

    Hero Wagons

    Provides joy by helping pediatric patients leave their hospital room and go for a "walk" or a ride.
  3. Starlight Gown Program

    Hospital Gowns

    Eases anxiety by enabling greater privacy, while simultaneously allowing kids to express individuality.
  4. Girl Receiving Baby Shark Toy

    Toy Deliveries

    Provides a sense of relief through therapeutic play, which helps children learn and adapt to the hospital setting.
  5. Child in VR Headset Penumbra in Doctor's Office

    Virtual Reality

    Encourages kids to relax during pain or discomfort and can guide kids through exercises to improve their range of motion.

Want Additional Information?

  1. Measuring Impact

    10 Pillars of Impact
  2. National Reach, Local Impact

    Expansive Network
  3. Starlight One-Pagers
